Artists with a Vision
If you have artwork you would like displayed, submit it, or a pointer to
it and I'll add it to this display if it seems like a good thing. -Bob

Local to Bozeman, MT:
Strang'r Pilgr'm (Various music/graphic arts)  
Pivitplex (Pop Rock)  
AFA (Alternative Rock)  
Excluded ("Punk" **) 
Sound Doctorin' (Various music styles, electronic) 
Con Williams (Metal Sculpture) 
George Morales (Bossa Nova Praise) 
  ** The word "punk" doesn't relate to our position in Christ but
is rather a term that classifies the general music style.  "Punk" generally
uses aggressive and sometimes what might be considered "careless" sounding
changes to the untrained ear, but which work in a deeper sense to enhance the
communication impact of the song for those who try to understand.