Elka Rhapsody 490/610 -1975    Weight = ? Lbs. Number manufactured = ? MSR = $995

User Manual:
Reset Proceedures: N/A
Operating System code: N/A
MIDI or other control protocol: N/A
Software related Links: N/A
Patches or knob settings:
Circuit Overview: below
Scematics/Service Manual: fdiskc (Both 490 and 610 models) or 390-490-00 hard copy from Organ Service or Manual Machine
Common Service Issues/Tips: below
Parts Sources: Keys knobs semiconductors misc
Uncommon chips/modules used: Original version: TOs using S2555, S2556 and SAJ110 dividers Newer versions:SN74221, AY-1-0212 TOS
General Info Links: Jarrography or till-kopper.de (great page with board pics etc.!)

Circuit Overview:
     Another divide down 'stringer' type instrument. Very nice articulation. Similar to the Solina in many ways I think but different sounding. Brighter I seem to recall. The 610 version is 61 notes instead of 49 and also adds 2 keyboard presets and is functionally very similar to Hohner K2 which uses the 50240 TOS and TMS3848 dividers and has totally different boards generally but has same feature pretty much. NOTE this may be the first use of 74221, the LS version later used in the first DCO synth the Crumar DS-1.

Service Tips:
      I worked on the Rhapsody 610 and it had some power supply issue as I recall. And maybe a bad divider. Typical stuff.

No doubt a lot of parts I'd have and some divide down stuff I might not. Let me know if you need! ALSO please let me know if you can send a photo as shows up on my 'key' link above. I don't know what keys it takes.
Contact Sound Doctorin'