EMS VCS3 "Putney" and Synthi's -1969 / 1971-2     Weight = ? Lbs. Number manufactured = ? MSR = $?

User Manual: Synthi Page
Reset Proceedures: N/A
Operating System code:
MIDI or other control protocol:
Software related Links:
Patches or knob settings:
Circuit Overview: below
Scematics/Service Manual: Synthi page or Nitrogen
Common Service Issues/Tips: below
Parts Sources: Keys knobs semiconductors misc
Uncommon chips/modules used:
General Info Links: Vintage Synth Explorer

Circuit Overview:
      discrete stuff! The VCS3 is one of the first portable synth products and the later renditions the Synthi A and AKS are very similar with different packaging as I understand it. Synthi E is a simplified educational model.

Service Tips:
      Never worked on one.

Not sure what all might be in these yet. Ask if you need a specific part.
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