---On Mon, 1 Oct 2007, John Mahoney wrote: >> I can hardly believe they were generating software envelopes at 50-60Hz. Within the Ensoniq ESQ1/SQ80 (1985/87, 68B09 running at 2MHz for anything than sound chip access) it's something along 83Hz update rate. Not timer-controlled, btw., but through some more or less carefully timed cooperative multitasking (which makes adding MIDI-clock sync pretty much impossible w/o rewriting the entire task/subtask handler routine). Rainer
Service Tips:
I've only done peripheral things; key cleaning I recall it seems. If anyone is aware of common service issues let me know.
Syntaur has many parts for Ensoniq specifically. Let me know if you need a specific part from my listings in the parts section that you don't find elsewhere or whatever.
Contact Sound Doctorin'