Circuit Overview:
Appears to have two independent VCO for each of the 12 notes and divide down/condition the signal for each lower octave. 7 band EQ and VCF are then used to modify the harmonic content. Sample +Hold and 2 LFO's (well..up to 1khz! not so low! but 'lower' :-) ) for modulation, and also having their own modulation VCA. "Voltage Processors" allow headroom limits on modulations. An ensemble effect can be introduced also. So a very different subtractive synth anyway.
Service Tips:
Apparently construction is improved over PS-3100 and I'm told that one common fault, is on the edge connectors going intermittent like the polymoog. The dividers also fail Peter Blackett tells me. Thanks Peter.
I believe you'll draw mostly blank looks from Korg on these units. I have some parts that are the same so feel free to ask what the current stock is on a given thing. Some of the less common parts are getting quite hard to find though. THings pop up on ebay now and then.. Contact