Moog MultiMoog -1978    Weight=? Lbs. Number mfg.=~1000 MRP=$1595

User Manual: Manual Manor
Reset Proceedures: N/A
Operating System code: N/A
MIDI or other control protocol: N/A
Software related Links: N/A
Patches or knob settings:
Circuit Overview: below
Scematics/Service Manual: synthfool or Manual Manor
Common Service Issues/Tips: below
Parts Sources: Keys knobs semiconductors misc
Uncommon chips/modules used:
Modifications:VCF Bass
General Info Links: Vintage Synth Explorer

Circuit Overview:
     Analog subtractive. Will review more when time allows.

Service Tips:
     Failures of OTA CA3080 and Transistor array CA3046 I believe.

I should have most of the electronic parts in stock for these and keys. The knobs can be hard to find.
Contact Sound Doctorin'