Circuit Overview:
A fairly simple monophonic subtracive with moog filter of course.
Service Tips:
Not aware of a particular weakness on these other than dirty sliders. Once these sliders break there is no off the shelf replacement but I've seen 'chipsforbrains' on ebay sell sets of them..after I went to the pain to repair most of mine and replace one with a near enough retro. These sliders can be pulled apart, cleaned, regreased with conductive grease and various shaft repairs made at times or parts swapped out with other units to create one good one out of two with different problem parts. (EG. one has a broken shaft, the other a worn out resistive coating.) Using soldering surgery techniques sliders with bad connection right a the resistive material interface can occasionally be fixed using springy wire and hemostats!
Have most of the parts here for them electronically.
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