Here's an interesting note from Terry Shulz about the development of sampling technology: ----------- Hi All, The original PPG samples were 8bit later on 12-bit. The first 16 bit samples were done using a Sony PCM F1 ECL based A/D Front end and 16-bit D/A ECL back end. This is one reason the samples sounded so Gritty early on. When we designed the 16-HDU unit we were able to make a great deal of improvement. We opted to keep the SSM 2044 filters as they sounded great and we did not have so much Analog design issues. When we switched over to the MC68000 based design on the Realizer we also used a TMS32010 DSP for Filters,oscillators etc. As this unit never really made it to production, the end of PPG came soon. Wolfgang and I never agreed upon a grand plan and as a result the best I could do was at least get the HDU, PRK, EVU and PPG 2.3 into solid production. Much of the software was chaos and undocumented. A real fright to make changes and improvements but things worked well enough to make some really fun sounding products that are still great to listen too. I have made my own PPG incarnation using DSP56307 and MC68340 but never took it too production. It has sinced been scrapped and re-used for other projects and will never rise again I am afraid. I want to do this project on an ARM11 and DSP5672x based machine under Linux and will cobble a project together perhaps when I get my other projects finished. Best regards, Terry Shultz ------------ Anyway the rest of the conversation can be found in the synth sdiy archives -Bob