Roland SH-3a -1974    Weight=22 Lbs. (w/out cover 32lb in spec.) Number Manufactured = ? MRP = $

User Manual: Manual Manor
Reset Proceedures: N/A
Operating System code: N/A
MIDI or other control protocol: N/A
Software related Links: N/A
Patches or knob settings: Synthesized Dreams Manuals
Circuit Overview: below
Scematics/Service Manual: Senso's site or Manual Manor
Common Service Issues/Tips: below
Parts Sources: Keys knobs semiconductors misc
Uncommon chips/modules used:uPC33C/uPC-1016, uPA41C/IT-132/020-055, CA3080, LM3216, 830C
General Info Links: Vintage Synth Explorer

Circuit Overview:
     These synths have a set of overtones (5 as I recall) that can be adjusted for the timbral base and a simple analog subtractive circuit over that. I'll study the diagram when I get time.

Service Tips:
     Only problems with mine were contact cleaning related as I recall.


I stock remanufactured knobs for these machines! Slider or rotating small knobs 3.75 each large $5 each

Semiconductors etc.

I have a variety of parts that might help you on these as it appears Roland used many of the same parts those years. And also there are some discrete components that I usually stock.
Contact Sound Doctorin'