Circuit Overview:
The classic monophonic/duophonic subtractive analog synth using mostly discrete components with potted modules for VCF on some. 2 VCO's and lots of sliders to control routings of LFO and envelopes to the VCO, VCF and VCA controls.
Service Tips:
Tantalum capacitors in power supply and at various locations on boards should be replaced and often short to cause problems. Very old ones can have blistering electrolytics main filters also. Sliders get dirty and go completely open sometimes. Lots of techno-janitor work to do commonly. I worked on one that also had a bad CV op amp I recall.
slider caps-CAE
Lots of discrete parts in these. Should have most electronic parts except only a few sliders usually. Always feel free to ask or check my Parts and note on prevoius page the alternate numbers ARP used for common chips.
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